Career at C-Drasta
Apply for a Position
C-DRAṢṬᾹ offers a dynamic platform for participation in live projects to aspiring young researchers. It welcomes candidates with a background in Economics, Statistics, Sociology, Computer Science, Psychology and Management Studies for research career in the following positions.
- Research Assistant (RA) : PG in any of the above disciplines can apply.
- Project Linked Personnel (PLP) : PG or UG in any of the above disciplines with good communication skills can apply.
- Research Intern (RI) : Students enrolled in PG and UG program may apply.
- Research Operations Coordinator (ROC) : PG or UG in any of the above disciplines can apply (Applicants from Commerce or Management Studies with exposure to Research Methods and Statistics will be given preference)
Apply for a Research Grant
C-DRAṢṬᾹoffers an opportunity to students (including UG) and academic professionals and researchers from any discipline to come forward with innovative research proposals (based on primary or secondary data) in any area related to socio-economic development and sustainability.
Request for proposal must include three sections: (a) Technical Proposal specifying the study objective and research idea (300 words), a brief review of literature (150 words) and significance of the study (150 words) (b) Financial Proposal or Budget (c) Time Budget.
Email your applications for a position or research grant with full CV to:
- Apply for a Position
- Research Assistant
- Student Internship
- Student Research Grants
- Young Researcher’s Column
- Field Surveys
- Survey for Quantitative Studies
- Survey for Qualitative Studies
- Personal & Telephonic Interview
- Web Based Survey
- Focus Group Discussion
- Depth Interview
- Observation Studies
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Competency Enhancing Workshop
- Evaluation Studies
- Thrust Area Programme
- Perception Studies
- Exploratory Studies
- Multivariate Analysis
- City Office:
Gopal Bhawan, 42, Vidyasagar Street, Kolkata-700009 - Registered Office:
A/2/5, Pearl Apartment, 50b, Kailash Bose Street, Kolkata-700006 - ,
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