In order to understand how the society, economy and environment (SEE) intersect and interact,the underlying research themes at C-DRAṢṬᾹ span a variety of issues and development dilemmas from the three domains and as well as about how they overlap. C-DRAṢṬᾹis sensitive to the fact that many of the development questions addressedare not only significant regionally but also gain in complexity as one move to national and global arenas. Accordingly, social responsibility, economic viability and environmental sustainability,analysedacross expanding concentric spatial constructs, constitute the threeresearch pillars at C-DRAṢṬᾹ.

The research team at C-DRAṢṬᾹ is equipped to undertake exploratory and analytical studiesbased on primary data from field surveys as well as large secondary data bases, perception studies and outcome and formative evaluation studies, with a focus on CSR projects.Quantitative studies are complemented with qualitative research where necessary. With its in-house research team and is consultants broad range of disciplines C-DRAṢṬᾹ canprovide research and analytical support to government departments, corporate houses, development practitioners and academics. rolex órák hublot replica
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- Field Surveys
- Survey for Quantitative Studies
- Survey for Qualitative Studies
- Personal & Telephonic Interview
- Web Based Survey
- Focus Group Discussion
- Depth Interview
- Observation Studies
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Competency Enhancing Workshop
- Evaluation Studies
- Thrust Area Programme
- Perception Studies
- Exploratory Studies
- Multivariate Analysis
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