Training Themes
In C-DRAṢṬᾹ, the experience gained through ongoing research projects feeds into training programs. C-DRAṢṬᾹ also emphasizes the importance of different types of research perspectives for addressing any development dilemma. Training at C-DRAṢṬᾹ, which is realized through Competency Enhancing Workshops (CEWs), is linked with the various stages of the research process. They enableparticipants to provide effective end-to-end solutions to various development problems. CEWs consist of modules that are stand-alone or collated based on a theme which may be a particular research stage or research approach Alternatively, CEWs could also correspond to applications in a particular domain(such as education, women’s studies, health, etc.). Experts from both academics and industry conduct the training sessions. The CEWs benefit participants acrossthesocial and environmental sciences as also those from different vocations,such as corporate executives, administrators, bureaucrats, young professionals, NGO workers, students and researchers. However a major thrust area of the CEWs is on imparting training for the design and implementation of evaluation studies forsocio-economic development projects under CSR.
In order to achieve its objectives the program design will be customized based on feedback from industry, potential trainees and advisors from academia and practitioners. An illustrative classification of CEWs on Research Methods and its Applications, based on participant need, is provided below.

- Apply for a Position
- Research Assistant
- Student Internship
- Student Research Grants
- Young Researcher’s Column
- Field Surveys
- Survey for Quantitative Studies
- Survey for Qualitative Studies
- Personal & Telephonic Interview
- Web Based Survey
- Focus Group Discussion
- Depth Interview
- Observation Studies
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Competency Enhancing Workshop
- Evaluation Studies
- Thrust Area Programme
- Perception Studies
- Exploratory Studies
- Multivariate Analysis
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Gopal Bhawan, 42, Vidyasagar Street, Kolkata-700009 - Registered Office:
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